Resource Topic: Education


Why Every School Leader MUST Have in Place for Student and Staff Safety

White Paper

In this report, parents of K-12 students were asked to rate their relationship with their...

Case Study

Established in 2006, The Vida Bogart School for All Children, known as 352X, is a...

Case Study

Birmingham City School District (BCSD) is home to 43 schools with more than 22,000 students....

Case Study

Vizzle Excel has become a critical component of our Framework of Supports for students with...

Case Study

Due to the district’s unique geographical makeup, Napa Valley relies on technology to keep teachers...

Case Study

Educators at Mesquite Independent School District implemented Vizzle in their classrooms and haven’t looked back...


Learn exactly how RethinkEd’s Vizzle curriculum solution will ramp up all K-12 students in your...


Many students experience trauma and teachers are often at the forefront for supporting them and...

White Paper

The Department of Education (DOE) recently released a report that presents social, emotional, behavioral, and...


RethinkEd believes in nurturing educators and students, and advocates for empowering and supporting teachers and...

White Paper

Paraprofessionals are pivotal support in special education classrooms and to the successful inclusion of students...

White Paper

Malcom Gladwell, global thinker and author, contends that there’s a phenomenon calledthe tipping point. The...

White Paper

While educational reforms have prioritized educational disparity for many years, there continues to be inequity...


At the very least I can distinguish fear from worry and anxiety, often confusing people...


Educators and parents/guardians alike have a sense that family-school-community partnerships are important. In fact, parent...


Teacher attrition costs the United States roughly $2.2 billion dollars annually; an estimated half a...


Returning to school can present difficulties and can be exciting at the same time. Students...


The idea of mindfulness used to be completely foreign to me. I’m a millennial female...


More tasks on your to-do list than hours in the day? Than days left in...